Number Operations: ( back to: Numeracy )
Addition and subtraction using whole numbers :
Addition and subtraction using MONEY / decimal numbers :
Basic multiplication facts practice:
Learn Math Facts Quick Flash II Math Facts Meteor multiplication Fishing for multiplication facts Multiplication Fruit Splat - Math Game - Sheppard Using algorithms to solve multiplication calculations: Multiplication: StudyJams! Math | Multiples : StudyJams! Math | Standard Multiplication Algorithm Peasant Method Distributive Property Multiplication (About Education) Distributive Property Multiplication (The Math Page) Solve multiplication calculations with DECIMALS: Multiplication of Decimals: StudyJams! Math | Online Practice Quiz, Multiply a three-digit by a one-digit decimal |
Basic division facts practice:
Fun4theBrain Penny Positive's Pancake Party Division Game Division Fruit Splat - Math Game - Sheppard Software Educational Games for kids Using algorithms to solve division calculations: Division games – Fun 4 the brain Solve division calculations with DECIMALS: Online Practice Quiz, Divide 3-Digit Decimal by Whole Number |
Can you figure out what Ma and Pa Kettle are doing wrong with their dividing and multiplying?
What about Costello? Where does he go wrong with his dividing and multiplying?